Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Twitter and me...

When considering twitter, I have very little positive to say about it. I can see the idealistic value, in that it can connect learners/ educators, but it is so cumbersome. To much information all at once. Out of the educators I have followed, when I sit and look at all the tweets coming in, all the information just blends together. The majority of the tweets are irrelevant or completely random. Maybe I just haven't grasped the value of twitter as of yet, but as of right now, I don't see it as a tool that I myself would use, within a PLN or a PLC. There is one teacher on twitter that consistently has interesting things to say. Here's one on internet learning.
Concerning today's experience, twitter wasn't all that helpful to me. Again, there were to many people saying to many different things all at once to be able to use it as a focus point. It was more distracting than helpful. Twitter get's a thumbs down from me.


  1. Andrew, I agree with you in some aspects of your blog. I have a really hard time with Twitter as well; it's so new to me that it's hard to get used to. I believe that there can be some values to using Twitter in the classroom, and maybe the quiz wasn't the best way to use it. Don't shoot it down just yet! Other than that, I really like the set up of your blog; very unique and well put together.

  2. I can agree with you on the confusion part. I normally don't follow people I don't know and now that I started too I don't like it all because I don't know what they are saying. Also when taking the quiz it was a very fast pace thing to do that can lead to confusion. Twitter can also be a distraction in the classroom if you aren't using it for educational purposes. But like Megan said, don't give up on it just yet! You may start to actually like using Twitter!

  3. I personally don't like Twitter either. I find it very confusing but I can see how it could work in the classroom. I'm not sure if students could be trusted to use it as a learning tool though. I know that if my high school used Twitter for classroom discussions, nothing would get accomplished.

  4. I also feel the same way about Twitter! I did not want a personal account for many reasons and I do not find it to be a very 'private' websites. I like to be private, and although I do have a Facebook, it has the highest amount of privacy that I can control. I also agree that it is a very distracting.

  5. I like how you are the only person thinking skeptically about the topic of twitter, i feel like we needed both side. but in my blog i talked about how i got used to twitter about a year ago and I find it okay (it does take a little bit to get used to it). like alot of new things u have to let it sink in and it will be easier to understand. you could write what u would prefer to do in your classroom as a future teacher; im sure the class is open to suggestions and comments

  6. While I use twitter almost everyday I don't tweet alot I mainly just look at stuff. SO I understand what your saying here.

  7. I agree with the "too much all at once" part! It just made things confusing sometimes. I decided to follow the teacher you mentioned :)

  8. I have a personal twitter so I find it super easy. But I remember how frustrating it was when I first made it. The more you use it and more effort you put in it gets so much easier.

  9. Hi Andrew, I definitely see your point regarding twitter and the mass amount of information coming in all at once. One thing I will say about the variety of PLN's and PLC's that we are being introduced to is this...give it an honest effort, and then find what works for you. Good luck!
